Author: ggadmin

Mycelium, Hyphae, Glomalin

polymer paints, crochet, soil, and mixed media on canvas 2200 x 800mm 2021 $5500 (strectched) SOLD for sale contact Helen Kelly E: M: 0402 572 078

Beneath Our Feet II

cotton crochet on linen 2022 $1,100 for sale contact Helen Kelly E: M: 0402 572 078

Soil Microbiome 1

cotton crochet and mixed media on canvas 400 x 600mm $330 (framed) SOLD for sale contact Helen Kelly E: M: 0402 572 078

Fungi pushing through II

Acrylic and mixed media on canvas 2400 x 600mm 2022 $2,200 (unstretched) for sale contact Helen Kelly E: M: 0402 572 078


Polymer paint on canvas 1600 x 800mm approx 2021 $3,300 (stretched) to purchase contact Helen Kelly E: M: 0402 572 078

Mycelium, Hyphae, Glomalin (detail)

Mixed media on canvas detail of larger painting approx 2200 x 1400mm $5,500 (stretched) SOLD Contact Helen Kelly for sale 040 2572 078